Call for applications 2025
Swedish-Norwegian Foundation for Equine Research welcomes research applications to the yearly open call. The first stage of the call opens in spring 2025.

Call for applications 2024
Swedish-Norwegian Foundation for Equine Research welcomes research applications to the yearly open call. The first stage of the call opens 2nd of April and closes 22nd of May 14.00.
The open call this year comprises 14 million SEK out of which approximately 4 MSEK for new projects and 10 MSEK for ongoing projects given approved application for continued funding. The call also comprises 10 MNOK out of which approximately 6 MNOK for new projects and 4 MNOK for ongoing projects given approved application for continued funding. 60 percent of the funding is reserved for the research area ”veterinary medicine, animal science, and technology science”, while 40 percent is reserved for the research area ”social science and humanities”.
Collaboration projects between Sweden and Norway is encouraged, as well as collaboration between competence areas/departments and with the practical sector. Pure Norwegian projects are also welcomed to apply, as well as purely Swedish projects. All parts of the research program are covered within the current call, including all parts of the Equine sector, eg trotting, racing, riding disciplines and other Equine activites. The foundation claims its right to practice profile thinking.
Application process and requirements
Observe that all application must use and follow the template for research application found on the foundation website for stage 1 and stage 2, this template is from 2023 also used for Norwegian parts of approved SHF-projects during registration at Research council of Norway.
The call is composed in two stages. In stage 1, the applicant submits a concept overview with focus on relevance for the horse and the horse industry. A number of applicants are invited to submit full scientific applications in stage 2. Both stage 1 and stage 2 applications should be written in English, with a summary in Swedish/Norwegian.
Observe that a maximum for Swedish Overhead (OH) costs is applied; Max 25 % OH surcharge on salary- and material costs. Applied OH cost cannot exceed actual costs. If a project needs to include experimental horses/persons in the trials, this must be described and justified already in stage 1, based on the 3 Rs (Reduce, Refine, Replace). Each application must have a clear methods description of how many horses/persons are planned to be studied. The application must clearly describe plan for dissemination of results to the practical horse sector/to horse owners, and how the project plans to work for projects results to be practically implemented in the same sector.
Maximum level of funding is 1 million each year for a maximum length of 3 years. For Swedish-Norwegian projects the above-mentioned maximum funding can be applied for in both countries for the same project. Each main applicant may submit one application per call. The main applicant should have a doctoral degree or equivalent and be connected to a Swedish or Norwegian research environment. For specific guidelines see the Handbook. Note that applications that do not follow the handbook will be automatically rejected.
For jointly financed and exclusively Norwegian projects there are specific instructions that you will find in the foundation´s application system and in the handbook.
Information meeting for applicants, with possibility to ask questions will be held the 16th of April kl 10-12. Registration to the meeting should be sent to at latest one week before the meeting.
Stage 1
In stage 1 the applicant submits a concept overview, which will be assessed based on relevance and beneficial potential by the review panel. The stage 1 concept overview must be written in English, with a summary Swedish or Norwegian. If a project is in need of using experimental horses in their research, it needs to be stated why and in what way already in stage 1.
Stage 2
A number of applicants will subsequently be invited to submit a full research application, which will be assessed based on relevance and scientific quality. The stage 2 application must be written in English. In stage 2, and only in this stage, CV of applicants should be submitted, as well as an assurance from their employer that they will administer any funding received from the foundation, ”Form for signature”.
To apply for funding, please go to the foundation´s application system. For further information please contact the secretariat.
For application instructions and information of criteria in the evaluation process, please read the Foundation’s handbook. Applications that do not follow the instructions in the handbook will be automatically rejected.
A yearly application for continued funding must be submitted for all ongoing projects, according to instructions in the Foundation’s handbook.
In stage 2 an assurance from must be submitted by the applicant’s employer that they will administer any funding received from the foundation, ”Form for signature”.
Research areas
The foundation’s research programme is divided into two research areas:
Veterinary medicine, animal science, and technology science
• Health
• Reproduction
• Feeding, breeding, and management
• Technical development
• Welfare in the use of- and communication with the horse
Social science and humanities
• The horse impact on humans
• The horse impact on society
• The horse impact on the environment
• Welfare in the use of- and communication with the horse
Suggested areas within each research area are listed in an appendix to the foundation’s research programme.