Review panels
The Swedish-Norwegian Foundation for Equine Research has two review panels assessing the research project in the call for applications.

The applications for research grants are assessed by the review panels, after which the foundation’s board makes a decision on grants based on the proposal.
The foundation’s research secretary is the secretary of both review panels.
Review panel - Veterinary medicine, animal science and technology science
Michael Murphy, Agr Dr. Animal Science
Panel members
Kathrin F. Stock, PD Dr. habil. Animal breeding and genetics, VIT (IT Solutions for Animal Production, Verden, Germany)
Teresa Hollands, PhD in Equine nutrition, University of Surrey, UK.
Florian Geburek, Prof (ECVS, ECVSMR) in Equine Surgery, Univ of University of Vet Med Hannover
John Pringle, Prof Emeritus Equine medicine
Lena Malmgren, Ass Prof. Equine obstetrics and gynecology
Margot Deruyck, Ass Prof in Computer Science engineering focusing on technique for animal health monitoring, Ghent Univ
Siri Furre, PhD in horse breeding, MSc in animal science
Tomas Torgersen, sport representative, rider, trainer, FEI-competition arranger
Anna Valros, Prof. in Animal welfare, Univ of Helsinki
Review panel - Social science and humanities
Mats Greiff, Prof. History, Malmö Univ, trotting horse experience
Panel members
Nora Schuurman, Adj. Prof. Human-animal relations, Univ. of Turku/Eastern Finland
Peter Sandøe, Professor in bioethics and director of the Centre for Companion Animal Welfare at the University of Copenhagen
Timo Sipiläinen, Prof. Agricultural economics, Univ of Helsinki, Finland
Eva Søndergaard, PhD in Equine behavior and management, Aarhus university
Emma Thorén Hellsten, AgrD, adviser in the horse industry, earlier breeding manager for Swedish warmblood
Marcus Lundholm, Equine Science degree, development coordinator at Swedish Equestrian federation and part of their horse welfare group
Bente Berget, Assoc. Prof in Health promotion, focusing on green care, Univ. South-Eastern Norway
Hilde Hauge Langeland, PhD public health/equine assisted activities, MSc in Animal Science
As a reviewer please use the following link to login to the evaluationsystem, using login information provided by the foundation.